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How do I illustrate my book?

Updated: Jun 20, 2019

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• Find an illustrator- You can find professional illustrators through colleges or by asking school art teachers or museums. Remember to write up a contract between yourself and the illustrator. Be careful of promising royalties; a flat price is best.

• Public Domain- Pictures are constantly downloaded into public domains. These work great if you need just one sketch or photo. If you have a picture book with a character that changes positions, you might look elsewhere but Public domains can help with illustrations. You can use Pixabay, which is free. There are also paid memberships to public domain pictures.

• Photograph miniatures or photo-based illustrations- take a picture of a figure in different positions and then add a background. Use different shots (left side, middle, right) of the background so it appears that you aren’t using the same background for every scene.

• Use online service to hire an illustrator. Make sure to give them a very detailed story board.

• Hire friends or family – This works too but always use a contract and remember that readers like a professional looking book.

• Send your manuscript to an agent or publishing company publishing companies will hire an illustrator and take care of all the details.

I have been publishing books for over four years using only a few programs and a lot of technique. Let me show you how it's done! Check out my picture book course and write your book "from start to finish". Be surprised! Sign up now ....

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